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About me

As a confidence coach with experience in psychodynamic counselling and having practised Buddhism for over 15 years, I have undertaken the journey of changing my own emotional landscape and in turn, transforming relationship patterns from toxic to now happily married 14 years in. I promise, it didn't always look like this and I would never have previously believed possible to feel how I do today. But having done the work on myself, I feel passionate about helping others do the same which combined with my training and experience enables me to support you along the way.

Back in 2009...

I sought help from a professional for the first time in my 20s when I was finally ready to confront why I wasn't happy. I had been practising Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism (a very Western version of Buddhism) for a couple of years, and this teaches us that our lives are within our control and we must put our own happiness first. We cannot help others to be happy, if we ourselves aren't happy. But at this point, my happiness didn't feel in my control.


"When we draw strength from within, our outlook undergoes dramatic transformations; everything around us looks completely different. To be strong – that is the key to happiness."

Daisaku Ikeda


With encouragement, I took responsibility for my unhappiness to help understand my perspective on everything I had learned and experienced in life, and love, thus far. I uncovered and overcame deep rooted issues, learnt my defence mechanisms and the negative patterns they led to, and transformed rigid mindsets that no longer helped me. I recognised my contribution to, as well as my lack of boundaries within, unhealthy relationships. And finally I rediscovered what my understanding of actual love is, and not what it had come to look and feel like in an attempt to get my own selfish needs met. I learnt how to make myself happy instead of looking to others and/or substances that provided brief escapism but failed to offer internal peace.


Through self-discovery, I transformed my life and relationships and what I expect from them. I am now in a happy, healthy relationship of 14 years which is something I never thought I would or could be - but make no mistake, its not without continued effort. 


There is no 'one size fits all' approach and by no means is yours going to be the same as mine. I love working with people to discover everyone's different interpretations of the world.  If we work together, I will provide you with a safe and trusting environment to explore your relationship, both with yourself and others, improve self-confidence, and build a life you love living. 

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